Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The National Memo » The GOP Didn’t Steal The 2012 Election, But They Sure Tried

The National Memo » The GOP Didn’t Steal The 2012 Election, But They Sure Tried

After reading above article on the 2012 Presidential election in Florida how can any sane registered American voter not be agast at the means some elected republican officials go to to win elections?  Even more so, what about those wealthy republican obfuscators such as Grover Norquist, Karl Rove, Koch brothers, Dick Cheney, Fox News owners and their lock-step reporters and news analyzist, Governors, such as Florida's 2012 governor and other states' republiccan governors' who shamlessly systematically abuse America's voting freedoms?  These ought to be crimes against America's freedom punishable by loss of their freedom!

Republican and/or democrative conservatives making charges through the press against any vote organizaton trying to promote voter registration among low income voters should go through a court rather than be tried in the press!  Case in point is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform---Acorn---who had a record of successfully engaging in voter drives to sign low income people up to vote. Acorn collected about 550,000 voter-registration applications across the country in 2006, mostly from low-income and minority Americans, and 1.3 million in 2008. 

But in March, the organization was closed down after untried accusations but executed by press of two conservative activists that were low-level Acorn employees who allegedly had advised them on how to hide prostitution activities and avoid taxes. Acorn group was also battered by republican and democratic conservatives for having submitted some [unspecific] voter registration cards with incorrect, duplicate or false information.  This was using implication as fact.

In 2012 Presidential election of President Obama even though Senate Minority leader---Mitch McConnell declared his only goal was to defeat this president for a 2nd term who implemented Congress'es sequestor the press dubbed "fiscal cliff"---clerver but simple efforts of nationwide voter drives to register low income people as well as others who felt disenfranchised because they were by republican/democrat conservatives, handed Karl Rove and his nine or ten millionaires/billionaires their political heads after they spent more that $1 billion dollars to defeat Obama for a 2nd term!  The crowning success of democrats victory was Karl Rove's behavior on Fox News when he learned Ohio went for Obama!  The real Karl Rove finally stood up for the world to see!

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